" Cuando el carro se ha roto, muchos os dirán
por donde se debía pasar."
Si algo falla,se sabe por qué. Las cosas no han salido como tú esperabas. La relación que mantenías y te hacía feliz ha fallado. Todavía no sabes por qué. A tu alrededor, muchos te dicen que ya se veía venir, que tal como erais era imposible que funcionara, que ellos desde el principio sabían que te haría sufrir...Ahora, todos tienen motivos y razones que darte. Procura no conceder a sus comentarios más importancia de la que tienen. Nadie tiene la verdadera respuesta a lo que ha sucedido y escucharlos demasiado puede anclarte en un pasado que ya no tiene marcha atrás.
miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014
viernes, 25 de abril de 2014
Más libros en primavera...,
"La piel dorada" de Carla Montero, una historia que, según explica la autora, nació frente a un cuadro en el Museo del Prado y que gira en torno a una enigmática mujer y a una serie de crímenes de compleja resolución que commocionaron la ciudad de Viena durante los primeros años del siglo XX.Una novela interesante, donde el misterio sobre la figura del personaje Inés, no deja indiferente a nadie.
¿Quieres un consejo ?,
" Si me necesitas, silba."
Aprende a pedir ayuda. Con frecuencia, vamos por la calle muy cargados con la compra, pero somos incapaces de pedir ayuda. Y, en cambio, somos capaces de prestarla, de transportarle amablemente las bolsas de la compra a una anciana. En este caso, se trata de un problema menor. Pero, en otros, puede que estemos tremendamente angustiados por uno más serio y todo por no compartirlo con quien bien nos quiere.
Pedir ayuda no es un signo de debilidad, sino de fortaleza. Hay que ser fuerte para reconocer nuestras limitaciones y el ser humano tiene bastantes. La grandeza está en ayudar, pero también en pedir ayuda tantas veces como haga falta en la vida.
" Si me necesitas, silba."
Aprende a pedir ayuda. Con frecuencia, vamos por la calle muy cargados con la compra, pero somos incapaces de pedir ayuda. Y, en cambio, somos capaces de prestarla, de transportarle amablemente las bolsas de la compra a una anciana. En este caso, se trata de un problema menor. Pero, en otros, puede que estemos tremendamente angustiados por uno más serio y todo por no compartirlo con quien bien nos quiere.
Pedir ayuda no es un signo de debilidad, sino de fortaleza. Hay que ser fuerte para reconocer nuestras limitaciones y el ser humano tiene bastantes. La grandeza está en ayudar, pero también en pedir ayuda tantas veces como haga falta en la vida.
domingo, 20 de abril de 2014
Inglés (4º), Inglés (5º),
Easter Sunday is one of the most festive events among Christians worldwide. It commemorates Jesus Christ’s resurrection from death, as written in the Christian bible.
What do people do?
Many Christians worldwide celebrate Easter with special church services, music, candlelight, flowers and the ringing of church bells. Easter processions are held in some countries such as the Philippines and Spain. Many Christians view Easter as the greatest feast of the Church year. It is a day of joy and celebration to commemorate that Jesus Christ is risen, according to Christian belief.
Many towns and villages in Italy have sacred dramas about the episodes of the Easter story – these are held in the piazzas on Easter Day. Pastries called corona di noveare baked in the form of a crown. Other traditional foods include capretto (lamb) and agnello (kid/goat). Easter in Poland is celebrated with family meals that include ham, sausages, salads, babka (a Polish cake) and mazurka, or sweet cakes filled with nuts, fruit and honey.
Although Easter maintains great religious significance, many children in countries such as Australia, Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom, think of it as a time to get new spring clothes, to decorate eggs and to participate in Easter egg hunts where eggs are hidden by the Easter Bunny. Some children receive Easter baskets full of candy, snacks, and presents around this time of the year.
Public life
Easter Sunday falls on a Sunday, which is a non-working day in countries such as Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States. Government offices and schools are closed in countries where Sunday is a non-working day, and business activities are limited.
In countries where Sunday is a non-working day, transport schedules may be limited or operate on a different schedule to that of the working week, so those intending on travelling via public transport may need to check their schedules ahead of time.
Many Christians celebrate Easter Sunday as the day of Jesus Christ’s resurrection, which is written in the New Testament of the Christian bible. According to the Gospel of John in the New Testament, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb where Jesus was buried and found it empty. An angel told her that Jesus had risen. Christians worldwide have celebrated Easter for centuries.
However, the roots of the Easter holiday’s traditions and activities can be traced back to pagan celebrations. The name Easter is believed to come from Eostara, the goddess of rebirth. In early times the Feast of Eostara celebrated earth’s resurrection and rebirth. Strict Puritans would have nothing to do with Easter – it was merely a human institution – in the past. Charles I, king of England, declared the day as scriptural as Sunday in 1647 but Parliament contradicted him in print and abolished it with other church festivals.
The Easter date depends on the ecclesiastical approximation of the March equinox. In 325CE the Council of Nicaea decided that the Easter date would be the first Sunday after the first full moon occurring on or after the March equinox. Easter is therefore delayed one week if the full moon is on Sunday, which lessens the likelihood of it falling on the same day as the Jewish Passover. Eastern Orthodox churches in many countries such as Greece still figure their Easter date based on the Julian calendar.
Easter eggs and the Easter Bunny are both fertility symbols, holdovers from the feast of Eostara. Other symbolic parallels include the pagan joy in the rising sun of spring, which coincides with Christians’ joy in the rising Son of God, and the lighting of candles in churches, which corresponds to the pagan bonfires. The symbol of the cross and images of Jesus Christ, through paintings or statues, are remembered on Easter Day.
Inglés (4º), Inglés (5º),

Easter Sunday in the United Kingdom is traditionally about Jesus Christ's resurrection from death, according to Christian belief. However, many people use the day to decorate Easter eggs, share chocolate eggs and participate in Easter egg competitions.
The Easter date depends on the ecclesiastical approximation of the March equinox. It is the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the March equinox.
What do people do?
What do people do?
People who regularly attend church often attend special services on Easter Sunday. These may be longer or more elaborate than on other Sundays. In churches, it is generally a festive occasion with an emphasis on the dawn of a new life. In Battersea Park in London, there is a large Easter parade.
Easter is an important time for the confectionery industry. In the United Kingdom, Easter eggs are often large hollow chocolate eggs filled with bonbons or other candy. The eggs are covered in decorative foil and packaged in elaborate boxes.
Many people celebrate Easter Sunday by decorating, exchanging or searching for eggs. The eggs may be fresh or boiled eggs laid by chickens or other birds, chocolate eggs or eggs made of other materials. Many children believe that the Easter bunny or rabbit comes to their house or garden to hide eggs. They may search for these eggs or find that the Easter bunny has left them in an obvious place.
Some businesses and attractions hold Easter egg hunts. These can be competitions to see who can collect the most eggs. In some parts of the United Kingdom, people roll hard boiled down slopes. In other places, there is a game in which people roll hard boiled eggs against other peoples' eggs. The winner is the person whose egg remains whole. After the game, the eggs are eaten. In some parts of Scotland, fondant filled chocolate eggs about the size of a hen's egg are covered in batter and deep fried.
Public life
On Easter Sunday nearly all non-essential businesses and organizations are closed. In England and Wales, stores are also closed. In Scotland, they are allowed to open. Public transport systems may run on a different schedule from other Sundays. In some areas there may be no public transport.
Background and symbols
Easter Sunday is the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the vernal equinox. For many people, Easter marks the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion. However, many of the origins of the customs around Easter originate in the pagan beliefs held by the inhabitants of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland before they were converted to Christianity.
sábado, 19 de abril de 2014
¿Quieres un consejo ?,
"Vive como si fueras a morir mañana
y piensa como si fueses a vivir eternamente."
No desperdicies ni un segundo de tu tiempo en cosas que no te interesen. Nunca sabes cuándo va a llegar tu hora. Así que aprende a ser selectivo y a aprovechar todo el tiempo libre que tengas en aquello que verdaderamente te importe. te dignifique y te haga crecer como persona. Combinar actividades introspectivas ( como la meditación) y lúdicas,como salir con tu pareja, tus amigos o visitar a tu familia son buenas opciones y no están reñidas.
"Vive como si fueras a morir mañana
y piensa como si fueses a vivir eternamente."
No desperdicies ni un segundo de tu tiempo en cosas que no te interesen. Nunca sabes cuándo va a llegar tu hora. Así que aprende a ser selectivo y a aprovechar todo el tiempo libre que tengas en aquello que verdaderamente te importe. te dignifique y te haga crecer como persona. Combinar actividades introspectivas ( como la meditación) y lúdicas,como salir con tu pareja, tus amigos o visitar a tu familia son buenas opciones y no están reñidas.
Más libros en primavera...,
" La hija del dibujante" de Katherine Govier, la protagonista, Ei, es la tercer hija de un pintor, Hokusai, viven en el Japón del siglo XIX,durante el último shogunato del clan Tokugawa; un país aislado de toda influencia extranjera y donde rige la moral tradicional y una férrea censura, que mantiene al pueblo ignorante y supersticioso. Ei, acompaña a su padre desde pequeña y crecerá rodeada de artistas, prostitutas,mercaderes,adivinos,cuenta-cuentos y artesanos que pululan pos Yoshiwara,.La autora saca a la luz un personaje injustamente olvidado por la Historia, una novela exótica y emocionante, pero también un relato de amor, admiración y competitividad entre un padre y una hija.
viernes, 18 de abril de 2014
Inglés (4º), Inglés (5º),
Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and is a public holiday in the United Kingdom. It falls just before Easter Sunday, which is the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the March equinox.
What do people do?
People who regularly attend church will probably attend a special church service on Good Friday. For other people, it is a day off work in the spring. Some people use the day to work in their gardens, while others take advantage of the long Easter weekend and the school holidays
at this time of year to take a short vacation.
Many Catholics do not eat meat on Good Friday. This means that, in some areas, it is common to eat fish on this day. It is traditional for all denominations to eat hot cross buns. These are made of leavened dough, to which sugar, currants and spices have been added. The top of the bun is marked with a cross made of flour and water paste or rice paper. The buns are eaten as they are or split in half, toasted and spread with butter. There is a traditional rhyme about these buns, which is often used
to teach children basic music notes.
Public life
Good Friday is a public holiday. A lot of businesses and organizations are closed, although some stay open. Stores are generally open. Public transport systems may run to their usual or a different timetable. As many people have a four day weekend at Easter and choose to make trips, there can be some congestion on trains and the roads. There is no horse racing on Good Friday.
Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ following his time in the desert and his triumphal re-entrance into Jerusalem. This is a very important event in many Christian churches and is seen by some as the foundation
of the Religion. Many churches hold special services on Good Friday to remind their congregations about Christ's suffering. Good Friday falls on the Friday before the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the vernal equinox.
It can seem strange that a day of death and suffering is known as 'Good' Friday. There are a number of theories as to why the day marking the crucifixion of Jesus is known in this way. The word 'Good' may be a different spelling or rendering of 'God' or it may have another, now lost, meaning of 'holy'. Another theory is that the tragedy of the crucifixion of Jesus brought great 'good' to his followers.
More recently, the Good Friday Agreement, or Belfast Agreement was a major step in the political process to end the troubles and sectarian violence in Northern Ireland. It was signed on Good Friday April 10, 1998 by the Governments of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland and later endorsed by referendums in Both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland
viernes, 4 de abril de 2014
Más libros en primavera...,
"La analfabeta que era un genio de los números" de Jonas Jonasson.La improbable heroína tiene su origen en el barrio de Soweto, el tristemente célebre gueto de Johannesburgo. Corren los años setenta, en pleno auge de apartheid... con su fecunda imaginación y su sentido del humor surrealista e irreverente, que no deja títere con cabeza, Jonasson ha ideado una historia trepidante que arremete contra la hipocresía de la clase política al tiempo que ilumina la cara oculta de la historia oficial.
¿Quieres un consejo ?,
" El placer del espíritu se encuentra en el viaje del descubrimiento, en la visión de la revelación de la visión interior expandida y de la experiencia."
Al menos una vez en la vida, te propongo que hagas un esfuerzo y viajes a un país en vías de desarrollo para observar en directo otras condiciones de vida. Si no tienes dinero, puedes acercarte a los barrios más degradados. Pero, desplázate y contempla con tus propios ojos cómo es la pobreza extrema, sin los filtros de un reportaje de televisión. ¿Cuál es la actitud de la gente? ¿Están tristes o alegres?. saca tus propias conclusiones. Y, luego, vive y actúa como tu interior te dicte que debas hacer.
" El placer del espíritu se encuentra en el viaje del descubrimiento, en la visión de la revelación de la visión interior expandida y de la experiencia."
Al menos una vez en la vida, te propongo que hagas un esfuerzo y viajes a un país en vías de desarrollo para observar en directo otras condiciones de vida. Si no tienes dinero, puedes acercarte a los barrios más degradados. Pero, desplázate y contempla con tus propios ojos cómo es la pobreza extrema, sin los filtros de un reportaje de televisión. ¿Cuál es la actitud de la gente? ¿Están tristes o alegres?. saca tus propias conclusiones. Y, luego, vive y actúa como tu interior te dicte que debas hacer.
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