martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

Plástica ( 6º), Plástica (5º),


Doing hands-on activities is something that young learners tend to enjoy. Festivals and holidays such as Valentine’s Day or Carnival can be great occasions to bring arts and crafts into English class. Check out these ideas and websites and let us know which ones work best with your pupils. If there are any other activities you tend to use, leave us a comment and let us know!
Enjoy this festive month!


A Paper Plate Mask
Materials: paper plates, paint, tissue paper, scissors, glue, string.
Step 1: Cut out eyes and mouth on paper plate.
Step 2: Children decorate plate by colouring it, painting it and/or adding tissue paper hair.
Step 3: Punch holes for the string and try the mask on.
For more paper plate mask ideas go to:

Party Masks
Materials: paper, glue or sticky tape, scissors.
Step 1: Print and colour one of the masks.
Step 2: Cut out a strip of paper to make a headband.
Step 3: Stick the mask to the headband.

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