sábado, 21 de junio de 2014

Plástica (5º), Plástica ( 6º),

Paper Plate Snake

Click to see final image.
Ideas of bright and original crafts are always unusual. For example, make a kind boa from a paper plate! A small reptile will inhabit a bookshelf and will protect your books.
It is very easy to make a cute guard. Devote an evening to this occupation and your kid will be delighted with a new technique of handcrafting!
Tools and Materials: 
  • 1 paper plate
  • a black marker
  • scissors
  • light green, yellow, white, black and red acrylic paints
  • a foam rubber sponge
  • a brush
1  Prepare a paper plate for your work. Turn it upside down.
  • 2 Draw a spiral on the plate with the black marker – this will be a coiled up boa.

3.Cut the plate along the drawn line. Turn the paper to have its front side up. Paint the workpiece light green using the foam rubber sponge.
4.Draw 2 white eye-circles on the boa’s head

5When the white paint is dried leave black pupil dots in the canter of the white circles. Dip a finger into the yellow paint and decorate the boa with ornate spots.
6.Draw a thin stripe of the smile with white paint. Then draw a thin red stripe above. The boa is finished. Look how it greets you. Such a snake is harmless!


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